Objectec offers a wide range of services to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Whether your organization is in need of basic turnkey solutions or a customized information technology consulting solutions tailored to your specific needs, or somewhere in-between, we can provide the right level of service for your organization.
Our professionals have diverse backgrounds and experience that ranges from mainframes to PCs. We have knowledge and experience in computer languages, databases, development tools, local area networks, wide area networks, internet and intranet environments. Our consultants are skilled in the leading edge technologies and frameworks such as Websphere, Portal, J2EE, Java, SOA, Struts, JSP, JSF, .NET, ASP, Silver Stream, Hibernate, Ibatis, Sybase, Oracle, PowerBuilder, Visual Basic, SAP, Peoplesoft, Testing and CASE tools.
Objectec has the ability to provide our clients with the following services: